How Do I Edit MagicDesigners Images In ClickDesigns?

To edit your generated image in ClickDesigns, you first need to connect MagicDesigners with ClickDesigns. Follow this guide for integration:

How Do I Connect My MagicDesigners Account to ClickDesigns via API?

🔷Once integrated, follow these steps:

🔷 1. Open MagicDesigners Dashboard

Log in to MagicDesigners, go to Home, and locate your design in Recent Designs or My Designs.

🔷 2. Access ClickDesigns Editor

Click on the three dots (â‹®) on your image and select Studio Edit to open it in ClickDesigns. Wait for the editor to load with your selected image.

🔷 3. Customize Your Image

Use ClickDesigns tools like Text, Background, Elements, and Effects to modify your design.

🔷 4. Save Your Changes

Click Save once you're done editing. Your updated design will be stored inside ClickDesigns.

That’s it! Your MagicDesigners image is now edited and ready to use. 🚀🎨

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