How Do I Add Agency Team Members?

🔹You can easily add agency team member in MagicDesigners by following these steps:

🔹 1. Open Agency Dashboard

  • Log in to your MagicDesigners account.
  • Click on Agency from the left-side menu.

🔹 2. Navigate to the Users Section

  • Click on the Users tab inside the Agency section.

🔹 3. Create a New User

  • Click the + Create User button on the top-right corner.

🔹 4. Enter User Details

  • Fill in the required fields:
    • User Full Name
    • User Email
    • Password
  • Select the Access Level for the user.
  • Choose which Designers and Tools the user can access.

🔹 5. Save and Add the User

  • Click the Create button.
  • The new user will now be listed under your Agency Team Members.

That’s it! You have successfully added a new team member to your MagicDesigners Agency. 🚀

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